


The physician's job is to research the diseases and their causes so that they can then be combated and healed. In its daily activity it is also up to the doctor: .perform diagnostics .request exams .prescribe doses and periods of use of the medicines .work in disease prevention and disease prevention programs .prescribe diet regimens . perform surgeries Your performance also depends on your area of ​​expertise. You need to take the baccalaureate course in Medicine, about 6 years.

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Teacher:teacher is a person who teaches science, art, technique or other knowledge. For the exercise of this profession, academic and pedagogical qualifications are required, so that you can transmit / teach the study material in the best possible way to the student.

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Police Officer:

The Police is the corporation that carries out its functions with the armed forces. The police officer must be able to ensure the well-being and security of society against the application of laws, both in prevention and in the judiciary. The military police professional can work in the most diverse conditions, schedules and environments. In addition, such a professional must know how to relate to citizens politely and use physical force only on occasions of accuracy with individuals who object to complying with the laws.

Imagem relacionada

actor and actress

How is professional training to be an actor? As a college course, an actor or actress needs the acting arts course. If another specific course related to the area is also valid. Upon graduation, the professional must also be accredited at the Regional Labor Office as an actress or actor.

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