drinks pictionary

                                                           Drinks Pictionary

Tea:China is considered the country of origin of tea. According to legend, the Chinese Emperor Shen Nung, in 2,737 bc, boiled water to drink when a few leaves of a nearby tree fell into the pot.

Resultado de imagem para imagens de chas


Coffee is one of the most consumed beverages in the world. In Brazil alone, more than 17 million bags of coffee were consumed in 2007. But this was not always the case. In the beginning, until the year 1000 CE, coffee, originating in Ethiopia, was used only to feed the herds during the long journeys. As a stimulant.

Resultado de imagem para imagens do cafe

Juice:Juice is a beverage produced through the liquid extracted from the fruit, mixed with water, sugar or sweetener. It is a tasty and beneficial health drink, as well as fruits. Natural juices made from fruits or vegetables are great sources of nutrients, have antioxidant action, help prevent disease, and are rich in fiber, especially when they are not sifted, thus favoring a better intestinal functioning.

Resultado de imagem para imagens de sucos


The soda came in 1676 in Paris, in a company that mixed water, lemon juice and sugar. At that time, water mixed with carbon dioxide had not yet been discovered.

Resultado de imagem para imagens do refrigerante latas


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